Our Board

Dr. Melinda Clark sees pediatric patients from birth through adolescence and is an expert in pediatric oral health, serving as the pediatric liaison for the American Dental Academy. She also has expertise in addressing the medical, emotional and cultural issues associated with international adoption.

Dr. Caswell A. Evans, Jr. is an Emeritus Professor after fifteen years serving as Associate Dean for Prevention and Public Health Sciences at the University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Dentistry; and faculty member at the UIC School of Public Health.   For thirteen years during that period he was a mayoral appointed member of the Chicago Board of Health and also served two terms as an gubernatorial appointed member on the Illinois Board of Health. Prior to joining the UIC faculty, he was the Executive Editor and Project Director for Oral Health in America: A Report of the U.S. Surgeon General, released by US Surgeon General David Satcher in 2000.

Dr. Russell Maier, as Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education serves as an advisor and resource supporting Graduate Medical Education (GME), Continuing Medical Education (CME), Inter-professional Education (IPE) and other duties as assigned by COM Dean.  He has a long history of working in residency education as a faculty member and program director, institutional work as DIO, and advocacy work at the regional and national level.

Dr. Maier has served on several boards including the Arcora Foundation as the first physician chair and inaugural chair of the Society for Teachers of Family Medicine GME committee.  He co-founded Smiles for Life, the national oral health curriculum for health care providers and has remained active in integrating oral health into medical care.  He is currently in the leadership of the Washington Academy of Family Physicians as president-elect and serves as the WAFP delegate east side to the American Academy of Family Physicians.  He also serves as the Washington State Medical Association representative to the Washington State Governor’s Health Workforce Council and as treasurer of the National Psychology Training Consortium.

Advisory Committee

Anita Duhl Glicken, MSW, (non-voting member) Professor and Associate Dean Emerita at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Center, has over 35 years of administrative, research and education experience. A founding member of the National Interprofessional Initiative on Oral Health (NIIOH), she now serves as the organization’s Executive Director. Ms. Glicken is immediate past chair of HRSA’s Federal Advisory Committee on Training in Primary Care Medicine and Dentistry (ACTPCMD) and was Consultant and Chair of the Primary Care Collaborative Advisory Committee that produced the award-winning Integration of Oral Health in Primary Care Compendium. Ms. Glicken has personally received several national awards; under her leadership the NIIOH has received the ADEA Foundation’s Gies Award and the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education’s George T. Thibault Award. She has been a consultant and Chair of the National Academies of Medicine Global Forum on Innovation in Health Professional Education Oral Health Workshops and currently serves on the Advisory Group for the CDC funded National Association of Chronic Disease Directors’ Medical – Dental Integration Project, the Meharry University Oral Health Equity Project and the CIPCOH 100 Million Mouths Campaign Advisory Board and is an active member of the Sante Fe Group Board.